Chapter VIA, With Auto Calculate Income Preparation Excel Based Software all in one for the Govt and Non-Govt Employees for F.Y.2021-22


Common Deduction of Income Tax Chapter VIA, At a Glance Chapter VIA Deduction, List of all

Therefore, income tax deductions from 80C to 80U. Chapter VIA List of all cuts at a glance, cut under Chapter VI-A.  In other words, Here we provide a list of all deductions covered under section VIA of the Income Tax Act. In this article, we provide a complete list of cuts, including the name of the section, a brief description of the section, a list of evaluators who may receive this discount, the amount of the cut, and so on. However,

 Chapter VIA Deduction at a Glance

Common deduction of Income Tax Chapter VI A

For instance, In this article, we provide a list of all deductions available under the Income Tax Chapter VIA. In this article, we provide a list of all the cuts by chapter under section VIA. Now take a look at the table below for a VIA chapter listing all the cuts.

 Above all,Quantum allowed cutting paragraph descriptions

 In addition,80C discount on life insurance premium, contribution to provident fund etc.

Deduction in case of a maximum contribution of fixed pension fund person and HUF. 1,50,000/- After that,

Similarly,  80CCC exemption is only maximum for individuals contributing to the fixed pension fund. 1,50,000

 The contribution of salaried employees or self-employed persons and employees of the Central Government is not more than 10% of the salary in each case, 80CCD deduction in case of contribution to the advertised pension scheme. Maximum discount to an employee or self-employed person for limited contribution up to Rs.1,00,000

See also  Download and Prepare One by One Income Tax Form 16 Part B and Part A&B in Excel for the F.Y.2023-24

 80CCE Limits 80C, 80CCC and 80CCD (1) N.A. 1,50,000

 80CCG discount on investments made in an equity savings scheme

 80D– Medical insurance premium deduction in case of individual or HUF whether residential or non-resident – in case of a person – maximum Rs. 25,000 & Senior Citizen Rs. 50,000/-

In conclusion, 80DD deduction for maintenance including medical treatment of a disabled person for senior citizen

Individual or HUF resident extra in India. 5,000

Rs.50,000 or Rs.1,00,000 in case of severe disability

 80DDB deduction in case of medical treatment etc. India has the highest number of private or HUF residents. 40,000

 80E deduction for loan interest for senior citizens

Extra-person or not. 20,000

Actual payment has been made

 80EE Deduction only for personal maximum Rs. 50,000

 80G discount on grants to certain funds, charities etc.

 In case of paid rent 80GG deduction only individually (b) 100% or 50% of the eligible grant, after application – 10% eligibility limit of compatible GTI, maximum Rs.2,000 p.m.

 80GGA discount on specific grants for scientific research or rural development

 In case of interest on deposit in savings account 80TTA deduction person or HUF maximum Rs.10,000/-

 80U deduction in case of disabled person Rs. 75,000 in case of residential person disabled and Rs.1.5 Lakh

Download Automated Income Tax Preparation Excel Based Software All in One for the Government & Non-Government (Private) Employees for the F.Y.2021-22 and A.Y.2022-23

Common deduction of income tax chapter Vi A
Form 16 Part B
Arrears Relief Form 10 E

Feature of this Excel Utility:-

1) This Excel utility prepares and calculates your income tax as per the New Section 115 BAC (New and Old Tax Regime)

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2) This Excel Utility has an option where you can choose your option as New or Old Tax Regime

3) This Excel Utility has a unique Salary Structure for Government and Non-Government Employee’s Salary Structure.

4) Automated Income Tax Arrears Relief Calculator U/s 89(1) with Form 10E from the F.Y.2000-01 to F.Y.2021-22 (Update Version)

5) Automated Income Tax Revised Form 16 Part A&B for the F.Y.2021-22

6) Automated Income Tax Revised Form 16 Part B for the F.Y.2021-22


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